Summer Math Program
The goal of the Northridge Summer Math Assignment is to have students review the core math concepts they learned this year. This helps students to retain content and have a strong start at the next Math level in the Fall.
The assignments in the PDF below will be graded at the start of the new school year.
Note: the next year's Math Assignments will be announced in May.
Summer Reading Program
All Northridge students are required to participate in our summer reading program. Summer reading assignments will be the first grade in your son’s English class this upcoming school year.
Note: the next year's Summer Reading Assignments will be announced in May.
School Supplies
- Six (6) 1 inch 3 ring binders
- Assignment notebook (issued by the school)
- Stackable locker shelf (optional)
- Seven (7) sturdy insertable pocket folders
- Plastic envelope (optional for nightly assignments)
- Four (4) spiral college-ruled notebooks, single subject
- A supply of college-ruled loose-leaf paper
- Multi-colored pens and pencils, #2 pencils, erasers and scissors
- a pack of 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue, and 1 pink/orange highlighter
- Calculator: TI Explorer+ or TI-15 or TI-32 or TI-34II for Middle School Math & Pre-Algebra
- Six (6) 1 inch 3 ring binders
- Assignment notebook (issued by the school)
- Stackable locker shelf (optional)
- Seven (7) sturdy insertable pocket folders
- Plastic envelope (optional for nightly assignments)
- Four (4) spiral college-ruled notebooks, single subject
- A supply of college-ruled loose-leaf paper
- Multi-colored pens and pencils, #2 pencils, erasers and scissors
- A pack of 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue, and 1 pink/orange highlighter
- Index cards (ruled)
- Pocket dictionary
- Two (2) Black and white composition book for journal entries
- One (1) set of 9 tab dividers
- Calculators:
- Middle School Math & Pre-Algebra: TI Explorer+ or TI-15 or TI-32 or TI-34II
- Algebra & Geometry: TI-83+ or TI-84
- Geometry only: Transparent Ruler, Transparent Protractor, Bow-type compass
- Six (6) 1 inch 3 ring binders
- Assignment notebook (issued by the school)
- Stackable locker shelf (optional)
- Seven (7) sturdy insertable pocket folders
- Plastic envelope (optional for nightly assignments)
- Four (4) spiral college-ruled notebooks, single subject
- A supply of college-ruled loose-leaf paper
- Multi-colored pens and pencils, #2 pencils, erasers and scissors
- A pack of 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue, and 1 pink/orange highlighter
- Index cards (ruled)
- Pocket dictionary
- One (1) Black and white composition book for journal entries
- Calculators:
- Middle School Math & Pre-Algebra: TI Explorer+ or TI-15 or TI-32 or TI-34II
- Algebra & Geometry: TI-83+ or TI-84
- Geometry only: Transparent Ruler, Transparent Protractor, Bow-type compass
- Pens
- Colored Pencils
- Highlighters (3-4 colors)
- A supply of #2 pencils or mechanical pencils
- Four (4) spiral college-ruled notebooks, single subject
- 4 Sturdy 3-Ring Binders - 1.5 inch size
- Loose Leaf Paper - college ruled
- 6 Two-Pocket Folders
- Assignment Notebook
- Stackable Locker Shelf
- Index Cards
- Calculator. TI-84 Plus CE (preferred). Other options are TI-83+, TI-84.
- Geometry only: Transparent Ruler, Transparent Protractor, Bow-type Compass