Common Questions About Being a Northridge Knight
Here, we provide what we believe to be the most helpful information from our Student-Parent Handbook. For details on all policies and procedures, please review the full Student-Parent Handbook.
How can I get a message to my son during the school day? Call the Front Office any time, (847) 375-0600, and we’ll then get in touch with your son. If urgent, we’ll pull him out of class.
How can my son get in touch with me while at school? He can come to the Front Office any time. We have several phones available for student use.
My son is sick or will be absent today: what should I do? Please call the Front Office to report his absence, or email Nancy Kopecky.
How does my son get assignments he missed because he is sick? A quick phone call or email to a fellow classmate will do the trick. Or feel free to email your son’s teachers regarding missed assignments.
Where do I find contact information for various departments and individuals? Faculty phone extensions and emails are listed under the Faculty Profiles tab on our website.
How can I update my contact information info? You can make changes by contacting Mrs. Carol Corter, Registrar, at, (847) 375-0600 ext. 101.
Can I update my contact information myself? Yes. Using OnCampus, parents can update their contact information whenever they want. Log in to your parent portal, go to “Profile,” and update your information.
Northridge Traditions
What are the four Halls? The school is composed of four Halls -- Cavalier, Paladin, Riddervon, and Vytis. Each year, we assign new students to a Hall. All year long, the Halls earn points by receiving high grades, competing at Hall Fests, joining service days, and more. The competitions culminate in the Spring with the presentation of the Hall Trophy to the Hall with the most points. For more information on the Hall System, click here.
What are Class Overnights? Every year the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 11th grades go on an overnight field trip. The 6th and 7th grade trips are for fathers and sons. Overnights serve to build camaraderie, and introduce new students to the community. We recommend every student attend these fun and formative trips.
What is the Junior Trip? At the end of 11th grade, immediately after exams, the Junior Class takes an incredible, week-long adventure to a breathtakingly beautiful location in Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. The transformative experience forging a strong sense of class identity and helps build them into leaders as they head into Senior year.
What is Dinner at the Ridge? Dinner at the Ridge is our school’s biggest social event and fundraiser of the year. It features live entertainment by current students and alumni, a live auction, and a raffle. We host the event at the school, with current students serving the tables. Many alumni, current parents, and friends of the school attend to reconnect with old friends, and support the school’s mission.
What’s it like at the Basketball games? Our school community -- teachers, alumni, and current students -- comes together in a special way at Basketball games. We have a student cheering section, called “The Super Fans,” which leads cheers and hosts students from our sister school, Willows Academy. The Northridge Pep Band also adds excitement to the environment. After the games, many students go to a nearby Portillo’s Restaurant.
What is Parent University & Coffee With the Headmaster? Parent University is a resource for parents that provides practical approaches and best practices for navigating the many challenges parents face in raising children. These events include a number of public lectures, workshops, and reading groups. During our quarterly Coffee With the Headmaster, we invite parents to join Mr. Fagan for an informal gathering in the faculty lounge. These discussions are open to any current parent, and will cover a variety of topics that are important to our community.
The Annual Fund
What is the Annual Fund? The Annual Fund is Northridge’s most important annual giving campaign. The campaign begins in early September.
Why does Northridge need to raise money beyond tuition every year? As with many independent schools, tuition revenue alone does not cover all the costs of keeping the doors open. Northridge depends on the Annual Fund to support the quality of the education it provides -- responding to unexpected challenges, needs, and opportunities in a financially responsible way. The Annual Fund also directly contributes to teacher salaries, student programs, and financial aid. For more information or to make a donation, please visit
Who is asked for a yearly gift to the Annual Fund? Everyone in the Northridge community -- parents, alumni, parents of alumni, School Board members, and faculty -- is asked to contribute. A gift to the Annual Fund states: "I support the mission of Northridge." The more each Northridge family commits to the mission, the stronger the school will be. We are truly grateful for every gift.
General Information
What time does school begin and end?
Monday-Friday: 8:25 am - 3:15 pm
How early can I drop my son at school in the morning, and how late can he stay? Students may arrive at school as early as 7:30 am, and can stay until 5:00 pm.
What is the daily class schedule? We have 7 classes during the school day, with an extra “floater” class which takes the place of a different period each day. Aside from regular classes, we have a Mass / Study period followed by a break in the mid-morning. There are separate lunches for the Middle & High schools in the middle of the day. You can see a generic daily schedule for both schools here.
Does Northridge offer transportation assistance? Yes. Northridge provides a bus service from various locations. Learn more here.
If the bus routes are not convenient, many parents set up carpools. You can use the "Class Lists" section of the printed Directory - or maps view of the onCampus directory - to find students who live near you.
Are students allowed to carry a backpack from class to class? No. Students must leave their bags in their lockers before school starts at 8:25 am. Students have time to visit their lockers between each class (all classrooms are very close to the lockers).
What is the Northridge dress code? Our dress code fosters a professional atmosphere of work and in the high school teaches our students to dress well.
In the Middle School, students wear the following uniform: white button-down shirt, school tie, brown khaki pants, belt, and dress shoes.
In the High School, students have a choice of dress within this dress code: khakis or slacks, button-down shirt, tie and sports coat.
Fridays are Spirit Days (for both Middle and High School): a Northridge-issued polo can be worn instead of the dress shirt; otherwise students wear a button down shirt without jacket or tie. For details, please see here.
What is Northridge’s student cell phone policy? Students are not allowed to use their cell phones on campus before, or during school hours. Limited use (a quick call or text) is allowed after school. Students wishing to make a call before or during school hours must use the front office phones.
Does Northridge offer a lunch program? Yes, Northridge offers an optional lunch program, provided by “Marla’s Brown Bag Lunch.” Marla’s provides the flexibility to order lunch just once, or for every day. It also provides a few menu options for each day. For details, please click here.
Can my son use WiFi at school? During the school day, we prohibit students from using all personal WiFi-enabled devices (Apple Watches, tablets, cell phones, iPods, etc). Students may access the Internet via a school laptop, under faculty supervision.
How can I keep track of events at Northridge on a daily basis? Northridge events are listed on our website calendar here. There, you will find a summary of important dates and athletic team schedules. Our weekly email newsletter, Knightly News, features details about upcoming events. It is important that parents review this newsletter completely each week. Knightly News will be sent every Saturday evening at 5:00 pm. If you have not been receiving Knightly News, please email us at
Where can I find a schedule of extracurricular events at Northridge? Our website’s calendar has current information about all-school events like Hall Fests, field trips, and days off from school. However, for more detailed practice schedules for clubs and sports teams, please consult the schedule provided by your son’s coach or club leader.
At what time is daily Mass? Can I attend? Yes, parents are welcome to attend. Daily Mass is celebrated at 9:55 am in our chapel. If Mass is at a different time due to a special schedule, you can find the time on our school calendar.
Does Northridge offer academic & medical accommodations? Yes, on a limited basis. Students qualify for special academic accommodations if they have a IEP, 504 Plan, or a diagnosis by a medical professional. We attempt to accommodate students as much as possible, however we are not staffed to provide special resource assistance. Please consult with the respective Heads of School for more information.
What is onCampus? onCampus is Northridge’s online school portal. Parents, students, and teachers can use it to share class information, grades, and up-to-date contact information. Login here.
How can I update my contact information? Using onCampus, parents can update their contact information whenever they want. Log in to your parent portal, go to “Profile,” and update your information.
How will my son find his classes on the first day of school? On first day of school, students will have an envelope with their name on it taped to their locker. That envelope will contain a copy of their class schedule, their locker combination, laptop login credentials, and OnCampus profile login information. Faculty and staff will available to help direct students if they get lost (and provide print-outs of the information in each student’s envelopes, in the likely event that they lose it).
How can I access my student’s grades? Northridge mails Report Cards home once a quarter. In addition, we will mail a progress report if a student is in danger of failing one or more classes. Parents are encouraged to view their son’s grades using the OnCampus Parent Portal. In the High School, grades are updated online every other week. In the Middle School, grades are updated online every week.
How are my son’s classes for next year scheduled? A student's’ schedule is built around their performance on the Math and Language Placement Exams (for new students), or by their performance in their math and language course tracks (for returning students). By early August, the Heads of High School and Middle School will have scheduled your son’s classes, and parents should receive an electronic copy of this via On Campus. Questions about your son’s schedule should go to the respective Heads of School.
How can I purchase a gym uniform for my son? You can buy them directly from the front office at any time.
Advisory Program
What is the Advisory Program? The Advisory Program is probably the most important way we build men of character. Advisors meet individually with their students every month, and develop a mentoring relationship with them. Advisors strive to help their students build virtues like toughness and generosity, while collaborating directly with each student’s parents.
When will my son be assigned his Advisor? Advisor assignments are completed during the first week of school. You can meet your son’s Advisor at Back to School Night in early September.
How often can I meet with my son’s teacher or advisor? You will have the opportunity to first meet your son’s teachers at Back to School Night in early September. Additionally, we hold Parent-Teacher Conferences twice per year. However, you never have to wait for a conference to meet or talk with your son’s teacher or advisor. We welcome any and every opportunity to discuss his progress, including intellectual, physical, moral and spiritual development.
Whom to Contact
- Middle School Academics: Contact Mr. Joe Rhee, Head of Middle School, at
- High School Academics: Contact Kieran Driver, Head of High School, at
- Faith Formation: Contact Fr. Leo Austin, School Chaplain, at or (847) 375-0600 ext. 451.
- Reporting an Absence or Tardy: Call our Receptionist Mrs. Nancy Kopecky at (847) 375-0600.
- My Son’s Grades: Call or email your son’s teacher directly. For an overall sense of your son’s academic performance, call his Advisor.
- School Policies: Please refer to the Student Handbook on our website or call Reception at (847) 375-0600.
- Tuition, Financial Aid, or Billing Management: Contact Mr.
Tom Lipscomb, Director of Business Operations, at or (847) 375-0600 ext. 488. - Athletics: Contact Coach Will Rey, Athletic Director, at or (847) 375-0600 ext. 117, or touch base with your son’s coach directly.
- Athletic Schedules: Call your son’s coach directly.
- Extracurriculars: Please contact your son’s coach or moderator directly.
- College Counseling and Applications: Contact Mr. Bob Barder, College Counselor, at or (847) 375-0600 ext. 427.
- The Advisory Program: Contact Mr. Emmett McGovern, Dean of Students, at or (847) 375-0600 ext. 459.
- Carpooling: Please refer to the "Class Lists" section of the printed directory - or "maps" view of the onCampus directory - to find students who live near you. Alternatively, contact Reception at (847) 375-0600.
- Lunch Program: Find general information here, click here, and for questions contact Marla, our supplier:
- Summer Programs: Contact Guillermo Dillon at
Faith Formation
At what time is daily Mass? Can I attend? Yes, parents are welcome to attend. Daily Mass is celebrated at 9:55 am in our chapel.
Is my son required to attend Mass at Northridge? No. We foster an atmosphere of freedom at Northridge, and don’t require Daily Mass attendance. Study Hall is available as an alternative.
My son is interested in spiritual direction. How can he find a suitable spiritual director? Northridge offers spiritual direction to all students. If your son is interested, please have him contact Fr. Leo Austin in person or at to set up a preliminary meeting. Fr. Leo will talk to your son about his schedule, interests, and faith life. Fr. Leo will try to find a spiritual director who is a good fit, whether that be Fr. Leo himself or an outside priest.
Is my son required to take religion classes at Northridge? Religion classes are required for all Catholic students. Non-Catholic students are welcome to take religion, but not required to.