Dress and appearance not only reflect the attitude of an individual but also influence the attitudes of others and contribute to an overall tone. The objective at Northridge is one of serious study and character formation and Northridge students dress in a manner that promotes a tone of professional neatness.
Northridge does not have a particular uniform provider (except for the Middle School tie); you can choose where to purchase your son’s school attire. They are readily available at most department stores or men’s clothing retailers.

Middle School Dress Code
School Uniform (Monday – Thursday)
- Pleated or plain front khaki pants
- White long sleeve button-up shirt
- Plain brown or black leather belt with plain belt buckle
- Dress shoes or boat shoes (no gym shoes)
- School tie (available for purchase at New Student Orientation)
- Optional: Medium or Dark Blue Sweater and any style that looks professional, including quarter-zip style with high collar
Maroon & Gold Fridays. On Fridays, students can wear either a Northridge-issued polo shirt or a button-down collared shirt. All shirts should be tucked in. Button down shirts should be white for Middle School. No tie. Belt, pants, shoes and socks should follow the same guidelines as Monday – Thursday. Note: Northridge polos can be purchased at our online store here.
Physical Education. The required PE uniform is issued by Northridge. You’ll be able to purchase and receive the uniform at New Student Orientation, or from the front office at any time afterwards. For any questions related to the PE uniform, please contact PE Department Chair, Coach Patrick Hunt, at phunt@northridgeprep.org.

High School Dress Code
School Uniform (Monday – Thursday)
- Sport coat with the following: dress pants, dress shirt, tie, belt, dress shoes, and socks.
- The above can be any color and style that looks professional and classy.
- Any style dress shoe, including boat shoes, is fine. Leather topped “sneakers” are not considered dress shoes.
- Sweaters are optional and should be professional in appearance. Quarter-zips with high collars are fine. Neither hoodies or fleece jackets are considered professional. Note: sweaters should be worn under the sport coat, not replace it.
- Sport coats remain optional in August/September and May.
Maroon & Gold Fridays. Either a Northridge-issued polo shirt or a button-down collared shirt. All shirts should be tucked in. Button down shirts can be any color for High School. No tie. Sweaters and sport coat optional. Belt, pants, shoes and socks should follow the same guidelines as Monday – Thursday. Note: Northridge polos can be purchased at our online store here.
Physical Education (Grade 9 Only). The required PE uniform is issued by Northridge. You’ll be able to purchase and receive the uniform at New Student Orientation, or from the front office at any time afterwards.
For any questions related to the PE uniform, please contact PE Department Chair, Coach Patrick Hunt, at phunt@northridgeprep.org.