Course Catalog

THEO 70: Life of Grace

Course Description
The 7th Grade Religion course will focus upon the reality of the Incarnation. The students will learn about the importance of God’s becoming man in order to save us from sin, as well as about the sacraments, the Catholic Church’s way of carrying out the saving mission of Jesus. Students will learn primarily through interacting with the Bible, other books by Christian thinkers, and Christian artwork. While an academic subject, the religion class is also designed to help students grow in their own faith and virtue. The chaplains of the school will be working closely with the class to provide times for prayer and sacraments. Topics covered in class include: the reality of the human condition, how Salvation History culminates in Christ, how the Church perpetuates Christ’s saving mission, and more
Required Texts
Windeatt, Mary Fabyan. Saint Benedict: the Story of the Father of the Western Monks. Ignatius, 2001.
Nevins, Albert J. Saint Francis of the Seven Seas. Ignatius, 1995.
Previtali, David R. Life of Grace. Ignatius, 2011.
School: Middle School
Department: Theology
Length: Full Year