Course Catalog
LATIN 80: Introduction to Latin II
Course Description
In this introductory Latin course, students will experience Latin as a true living language. They will have acquired the same mastery of Latin expected after a year of modern language instruction through frequent conversational exercises both in the classroom and at home. Following the science of second-language acquisition, this course serves as the first step of our school’s Latin curriculum (a unique program nationwide), giving students fluency in listening and speaking before they move on to reading and writing in their high school years.
Pre-Requisites: LATIN 70: Introduction to Latin I
Required Texts
Rico, Christophe. Unus, Duo, Tres: Latine loquamur per scaenas et imagines / One, Two, Three: Visual and Sequential Spoken Latin. (Latin Edition). Polis Institute Press, 2022.
School: Middle School
Department: Latin
Length: Full Year