BEYOND the classroom

The Northridge RoboKnights

About Us

The Northridge RoboKnights are a competitive robotics team, competing in the FIRST Tech Challenge. The RoboKnights have been State contenders for 2 years running, winning the Regional Championships and making Top 10 out of 200 teams in Illinois for the 2018-19 season. The Robo Knights are led by Mr. Tito Fernandez, a graduate of Northwestern University.

About FIRST Challenges

Every September, FIRST releases a sequence of challenges that the robot must accomplish within a 2 minute period. The boys then have a little over a month to design, build, and code their bot out of everyday materials with a little ingenuity. Success in this competition requires the boys to cooperate effectively, developing skills in teamwork, brainstorming, coding, manufacturing, and design.

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